By Katja Kromann
Cooking from scratch with whole foods - grain free

Blueberry goat cheese puffs - not grain free

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Blueberry goat cheese puffs - not grain free

I know, I know. Not paleo. Not grain free. But this is an excellent appetizer for gatherings of any kind. Even a party of one!

Here is how to make them.

This is more of an assembly kind of food than actual making. I came up with this recipe last year. It is so good!

You need

1 packet of puff pastry.

A tablespoon of Orange Marmelade

1 log of goat cheese rolled in blueberries. Trader Joe's has a great one.

Some pepper flakes

Some sliced almonds

Bake for 15 minutes at 375F Bake Convection. Add/subtract if you are using solely bake or convection. 

You can either make these in regular 12 muffin tin, but then add 5-8 minutes of baking time, or like here in a mini 24 muffin tin. 

For the minis you first add liners, then cut the sheet of puff pastries into 24 squares. Fold them into the muffin liners and then open up in the center. Add a tiny bit of Orange marmelade to each. Maybe 1/8th of teaspoon or less. It is just to give a taste. 

Blueberry goat puffs 1

Next, cut your goat chesse into 1/4 inch slices, then cut them in half (For the 12 muffin tin you add the full slice to each). Add each piece of goat cheese to the pastry cups.

Blueberry goat puffs

Sprinkle each with 2-3 individual pepper flakes. (3.5 for the 12 muffin tin). A little goes a looooong way. 

Blueberry goat puffs

Top off with a couple slices of raw almonds. 2-3 per puff. (5.8 for the 12 muffin size)

Blueberry goat puffs

Bake them for about 15 minutes at 375F if you use a combi convection/bake setting. Or follow the instructions on the puff pastry packet. 

let them cool a bit before serving.

Blueberry goat puffs

Serve on your favorite ceramic platter

Blueberry goat puffs 6

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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and I love coming up with or simply documenting the dishes we eat so that I can go here for inspiration.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with a recipe or project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites. My Portfolio
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