Açaí berry bowl with fresh fruit topping

Açaí is one of those wonderful super foods that you can put in your smoothies to make them even healthier. Açaí rhymes with "my", but the "i" at the end is pronounced like the "ii" in Hawaii. a-sai-(i).
On its own it tastes both bland and slightly bitter, but with a few additional ingredients the flavors combine very nicely to a smoothie or bowl.
To make a bowl, you first make the base like this.
The Açaí berries come in small packets as a puree in the freezer section at your health food store.
Here I made three bowls at a time, but I will specify the recipe to just make one bowl, then you can multiply up for however many you are making:
1 packet of Açaí puree
1 cut banana, frozen
1/3 of a bag of mixed berries - or to taste.
1/4 cup of water.
Mix ingredients in a high speed blender using the tamper to stop down as you blend. Use enough water to mix and not overheat the blender, but not so much that the consistency gets too runny. Pour into a bowl and decorate with toppings.
1/3 sliced Banana
3 slices strawberries
Small handful of blueberries
2-3 tbs of shredded coconut
Optional: Spouted Hemp seed granola - this is a seed and gluten-free, but the one I got from Trader Joe's has 7 ingredients, two of which is honey and palm sugar. Paleo-ish, I would call this, but not a whole foods. Use at your own discretion. From a flavor standpoint, it is an excellent addition.
Here are pictures of my ingredients to make three bowls. I use the organic mixed berry bags from Trader Joe's. They are considerably larger than the bags from Sprouts or Whole foods, so plan accordingly. In the bowl is one whole bag.
This is the base. On my first try, I just used room temperature bananas. This makes the base quite runny, so the toppings sink in. Still tastes great though. So on my next try, seen below, I used frozen banana pieces and got a much better result.
I am thinking that the next time I see some of our bananas about to go brown, I will just cut them up and throw them in the freezer for a future bowl. I will always cut a banana in five pieces so I know how many pieces to take out to equal one banana.
I topped off each bowl with strawberries, blueberries, banana slices and shredded organic unsweetened coconut.
On the left bowl below you can see the sprouted hemp granola. It adds some crunch and hits the 'bread spot'.
This is a very nice way to get a vegan raw (not counting any hemp granola) meal into your day.
Great for morning brunch with a cup of hot tea.
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This article: Açaí berry bowl with fresh fruit topping first appeared on http://ahomeforfood.com. Share