By Katja Kromann
Cooking from scratch with whole foods - grain free

Easy radish salad

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Easy radish salad
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I was re-introduced to radishes at the ripe old age of 36. So basically, just the other day. Erhm.

I remember them tasting very strongly as a child. Like keeling over backwards strong. So naturally I stayed as far away as possible from radishes for a long long time. Until I went to a friends house and she served them in a salad. I looked at them skeptically, but then decided; "hey, let's live a little".

They must have been different radishes than when I was a kid. These were almost sweet. Ok, I wouldn't go that far. But that pungent grassy flavor wasn't there. Instead I tasted crisp and fresh with a bit of spice. Yum. So radishes were back on the menu. After a couple decades interlude.

The recipe I am sharing today is nothing earth shattering. And in fact I want it that way. I want to show simple things you can make on an everyday basis. Simple, but great tasting and full of nutrients and vitamins.

That is really the secret to living on a whole foods diet. Simplicity.

This salad is made with just four ingredients.

Radish salad easy

  • 6-7 medium radishes
  • 2-3 carrots
  • 1/2 a Hothouse / English cucumber
  • 1 cup of petite frozen peas.

I got the radishes and carrots at our local farmer's market. The peas and cucumber are from Trader Joe's

Rinse and scrub the roots and the cucumber. Thaw the peas. I use a bit of warmed water from the tea kettle.

Radish salad easy

My carrots were very narrow and delicate so I cut them into slices whole. If I were using larger carrots I might half or quarter them first. The same with the radishes. I halved mine. And cut them pretty thinly.

Radish salad easy

That's it. Done. Easy, right? Well, mix and put into a bowl and serve. This will serve as one of two side dishes for two days. Your mileage may vary.

When the veggies are finely cut they become more enjoyable to eat, I think, and the different flavors mix together in a nice way.

Radish salad easy

Isn't it a pretty salad too.

Radish salad easy

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Katja Kromann
About Katja Kromann

I am a Danish American decorating life in Seattle. I love all things design and I love coming up with or simply documenting the dishes we eat so that I can go here for inspiration.

I can’t think of anything more fun than coming up with a recipe or project, making it, photographing it and sharing it with you on my websites. My Portfolio
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