Meal prep: Large batch veggie mix stir fry for the freezer

I just can't do weekly meal prep meals for the fridge. The thought of eating something out of the fridge on Thursday that was made on Sunday. Is a no for me.
But I also want to use more variety of veggies. And I love veggies that are cut out kind of small so the flavors mix. But who wants to cut up a million things each day? I don't. So here is what I am doing instead. It is earth shattering I tell you.
I do the meal prep thing on a Sunday for instance, but then I don't throw it in the fridge. No, no, no. I throw it in the freezer! Am I a genius or what? Don't say "what".
Here is one I just did last Sunday.
This is a list of ingredients that I put in a stir fry mix for the freezer. I calculate about half a pound per portion. That is a nice size for a veggie side. We had this with some shredded barbeque chicken made in the crockpot. And some lettuce and a diced avocado.
This batch made almost 4 batches of 1 pound bags of veggie mix to serve two adults. Your milage may vary.
5 carrots sliced thinly
1 onion diced
Handful of green beans cut in 3/4 inch pieces
Handful of Shitake mushrooms diced
4 bell peppers, different colors, seeds removed, diced
3 mini zucchinis diced
2 florets of broccoli, steamed for 2 minuets, finely divided, cooled.
Mix everything. Divide up into half pound per person. I put the portions in thin food safe plastic bags, then put 3 of those into a freezer bag and into the freezer. It is much better to freeze in a glass container, so do that if you can.
Then on the day that you want to use a portion, remove it from the freezer in the morning and by dinner time it is thawed and you can stir fry or use as you please.
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