Blueberry banana omelet pancake - wihtout an overly eggy taste

If you are like me and like to eat eggs, but you are just not a fan of an outright abusive eggy taste, then this is a perfect omelet / reduced sweetness pancake.
It is a great and quick staple for Sunday brunch. Here is how to make it.
In a bowl you mix
2 eggs - I know ... breaking the bank
1 ripe banana mashed
2 tbs of grain free brunch flour
1 tsp vanilla powder
1/2 tsp baking powder. I get this kind that is aluminum free.
Mix and pour batter onto a pre-heated pan with butter on it. Sprinkle with blueberries and cook until the batter is not longer shiny and you can flip it. Then flip it and fry on the other side. Done! Easy and quick!
Make it fancy by cutting up the pancake and fan out on a plate. I made this plate and the cup which holds the cacao-latte Cacao-latte recipe
Find out more about the ceramics I make over on A Home for Ceramics.
And there you have it. Easy Sunday morning bunch. Satisfaction without mountains of sugar!
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