Chocolate coconut bites

I made these filled chocolates for Christmas and they were a big hit. A nice hit of chocolate mixed with the creamy goodness of coconut oil and the sweetness of the coconut and honey. Of course I am also smitten with the fact that I finally found some suitable molds that are not made out of plastic, easy to work with and not frilly.
Here is how I made them:
I used this chocolate mold with room for 15 chocolates at a time. I think the mold cavities in this mold are the perfect size for individual chocolate. And the chocolates keep for a long time in the fridge, unless you eat them first. We like to have one coconut chocolate after dinner. Mmmm.
1/4 cup honey
1/4 coconut oil
3/4 cup shredded coconut
Mix over low heat in a pot until combined. Set aside to cool.
Temper some chocolate: I used a full bar of Lindt 85% and 4 squares of 70%, which I found to be the perfect mix to offset the sweetness of the filling.
I use the double boiler method: in a casserole filled with water, insert a glass bowl so that the water comes up half way on the bowl - see picture below. Chop the chocolate so it melts evenly and put it over medium low heat in the double boiler. Before the water starts boiling, remove the pot from the heat even if all the chocolate is not quite melted. It will still melt.
There are probably more fancy and labor intensive ways of doing it, but I find this to be easy and without the need for complicated equipment and procedures.
Brush melted dark chocolate into molds, let cool (I used the freezer because I was in a hurry), brush again, cool, then fill with coconut filling, then cover with chocolate until the mold is full. Cool completely, pop out of mold. I cleaned up the edges of the chocolate with a knife after that.
Optionally you can decorate the chocolates. I brushed mine with some of the rest of the melted chocolate, then sprinkled with shredded coconut.
Here is the recipe, with each step in pictures:
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